Martin Luther King

El hombre que defendió la igualdad de todas las personas

Martin Luther King - Pau Clua - Shackleton
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Hard cover

Dream giant just like Martin Luther King did, the man who defended the equality of all people.
From a young age, Martin Luther King was clear about what his most important dream was: he wanted all people to have the same rights, regardless of the color of their skin. Although it may seem logical, there are those who believe that people with a different skin color than their own are inferior and deserve worse treatment. Martin Luther King dedicated his entire life to making his dream come true and, although it was not easy, in the end he achieved it with the best weapons that exist: the word and non-violent struggle.

Category: All >> Childish

Book: Martin Luther King

ISBN: 9788417822088
Precio de lista: $249.00
Descuento: 10%