México desahuciado

Dependencia, régimen político y luchas populares

México desahuciado - Adrián Sotelo Valencia - Itaca
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 250 g
Soft cover

This book concludes a trilogy – of which Mexico (re)loaded and Mexico (un)loaded are also part – that deals with the crisis of the Mexican neoliberal dependent economy in light of the international capitalist crisis.

The author, Adrián Sotelo, analyzes here the economic and sociopolitical problems that affect the country's working classes as well as the popular response to a government that applies its neoliberal policies through obsolete, exclusionary and declaredly pro-business reforms.

For the author, Mexico is trapped in an irresolvable dilemma because, in the face of the crisis, it cannot adopt a reprimarizing export "exit" nor is it possible to maintain the current manufacturing pattern without causing the contraction of production and exports.

In this context, the weak rate of economic growth has become insufficient to guarantee business profits and therefo...read more

Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Política

Book: México desahuciado

ISBN: 9786079752675