Michel Foucault

Michel Foucault - Didier Eribon - Cuenco de plata
Publisher name: 
Cuenco de plata
Book size:
Weight: 499 g

At the time of its publication, in 1989, five years after Foucault's death, this biography was celebrated internationally as a true event. Exploring unpublished archives, Didier Eribon masterfully reconstructed the thousand faces, known and unknown, of a philosopher whose entire work can be read as an insurrection against the violence of norms and normality. By capturing the singularity of an enigmatic man and passionately critical thought, he reinscribed it in its different eras and in its multiple dimensions –philosophical, political, sexual…– to offer a vast fresco of French intellectual life in the second half of the century. xx.

This new edition, completely revised, is greatly augmented by numerous elements about Foucault's relationships –positive or negative– with Georges Dumézil, Louis Althusser, Jacques Derrida, Pierre Bourdieu or even Simone de Beauvoir... It also retu...read more


Category: All >> History >> Biography

Book: Michel Foucault

ISBN: 9789874489302
Precio de lista: $820.00
Descuento: 20%