Morir por ser mujer

Femicidio y Feminicidio en América Latina

Morir por ser mujer - Esther Pineda G - Prometeo
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Soft cover

According to the official and public statistics of the Latin American countries that have typified the crime of femicide and femicide, between 2010 and 2018 a total of 12,044 women have been murdered, for sexist and misogynistic reasons: this is equivalent to 1,338 women per year, III per month, 4 per day and One every 6 hours. However, despite the repeated criminogenic and victimological vulnerability of women and the high rates of crime occurrence, the ineffectiveness of Latin American States predominates. There is no investment or public policies for prevention, governments have settled for the approval of exemplifying penalties in legal regulations and, therefore, the situation of lack of protection of women deepens when the crimes committed against them are neutralized and justified by the population in general, the media and by the penal system.

Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Género

Book: Morir por ser mujer

ISBN: 9789878451282
Precio de lista: $350.00
Descuento: 15%