Mujer y neoliberalismo

el sexismo en México

Mujer y neoliberalismo - Ana Alicia Solís de Alba - Itaca
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 250 g
Soft cover

In this book Ana Alicia Solís de Alba carries out an extensive and lucid analysis of the modalities that sexism assumes in the neoliberal present of capitalism, that is, the decanted expression of the historical development of patriarchy.

The author carries out a historical review of the emergence, development, crisis and reformulation of the neoliberal hegemonic model marked by a new patriarchal offensive against the rights achieved by women in decades of feminist struggles.

In her research, the author addresses topics such as the forms of the contemporary capitalist State and the composition of the hegemonic groups that dominate and administer it; the counter-reform of the State in Mexico and in the Western world; the consequences of abandoning the welfare state to give way to the minimal-evaluative state; the crisis of state institutions; the loss of national more

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Book: Mujer y neoliberalismo

ISBN: 9786078651054