Museo del Viento

Museo del Viento - Beatriz Vignoli - Nebliplateada
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 100 g
Soft cover

At the center of this book is an allegory: the Soviet film Stalker
(1979). Andrei Tarkovsky shot it under unhealthy environmental conditions in
an abandoned hydroelectric plant. The first months of intakes were
they ruined almost completely; the actors who kept the memory
of that first lost version, young people died like
consequence of the radioactivity of the place. This allegory divides the book into
two parts. The first and most recent includes the series Museum of the Wind. The
second that was originally going to be called Infinite Abandoned Wealth
contains texts composed at the end of the twentieth century in a machine of
writing Olympia portable under extreme social conditions of poverty,
loneliness and ostracism.
The dystopian imaginary of Siberia condenses both halves. The
material preservation of the more

Category: All >> Literature >> Poetry

Book: Museo del Viento

ISBN: 9789874048394