Nietzsche actual

Reflexiones ineludibles sobre un clásico intempestivo

Nietzsche actual -  AA.VV. - Ibero
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Year of publication: 
Soft cover

it possible to read Nietzsche today? We must recognize that Nietzsche's actuality concerns only his problematic character: his ability to weave a web of strong questions to our ways of making culture while destroying the pillars on which his securities, his comfortable character and his false idea of happiness are based. In this problematizing and critical possibility lies its untimely character, its untimely message that arrives too soon or too late for a self-satisfied culture with small virtues. The authors of this book resume, from different perspectives, that critical thrust of Nietzschean thought as an effect of turbulence: to shake the foundations of what is erected as a supposedly civilized community, ordering the world and builder of the future. In the path that goes from the analysis of Nietzsche's peculiar style to the interlocutions that his work makes possible with more


Book: Nietzsche actual

ISBN: 9786074178227
Precio de lista: $315.00
Descuento: 15%