Nocturno de Aña Cua

Nocturno de Aña Cua - Tom Maver - Llantén
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Soft cover

The narrator of this book travels through time and space to understand his father's past in the plantations of Aña Cua, Corrientes. Almost as in a reverie, he is accompanied by the devil, who has the same name of that region, the sisters, Jonah and the mother who, dressed as a bride, tied to her nuptials, paddles by the river, which may be the same time . We are facing Dionysian texts where it is celebrated, pain is an instrument that everyone plays in their own way and the rhythm of the poems is music that everyone dances. In this modern epic crossed by ancient rites, lyricism is the boatman who guides and deviates. Tom Maver's new book is a way of looking at death that can be as beautiful and dreamlike as getting lost in the orange groves of Corrientes.

Category: All >> Literature >> Poetry

Book: Nocturno de Aña Cua

ISBN: 9789874289636