We Die Alone recounts one of the most exciting escape stories to emerge from the challenges and miseries of World War II. In March 1943, a team of expatriate Norwegian commandos sailed from northern Britain to Nazi-occupied Arctic Norway to organize and supply the Norwegian resistance. But they were betrayed and the Nazis ambushed them. Of all the members of the team, only one survived: Jan Baalsrud, who was immersed in one of the most terrible adventures ever recorded on the survivors of World War II. This is the incredible and passionate story of how he escaped. Frozen, blinded by snow, and hunted by the Nazis, Baalsrud crawled to a small Arctic fishing village. He was near death, delusional and practically crippled, but the villagers, risking their lives, were determined to save him and, through impossible feats, they did. An epic tale of survival, solidarity and resistance, from o...read more