Nuestra historia no es mentira

Vivir con "lepra" en Ecuador

Nuestra historia no es mentira - Beatriz Miranda Galarza - 17 IEC
Publisher name: 
17 IEC
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft paste

Bolivar Salcedo speaks from his bed. Corinita, his partner, has died a few days ago. They had met, fallen in love and married in the old Verdecruz leprosarium in Quito, Ecuador, today the Gonzalo González hospital.
This volume gathers its history, like that of other survivors, from a careful research. If their voices are eloquent about the past, they are even more so in the face of our convulsed present, which revives the terror of segregation, of which leprosy (today better called Hansen's disease) is the canonical reference. Hence the transcendence, the invaluable opportunity, to know their intimate experiences.


Book: Nuestra historia no es mentira

ISBN: 9786079613198
Precio de lista: $350.00
Descuento: 15%