"An inky-black, glassy-eyed apparition, almost on all fours, covered in bits of mold, leaves, and twigs, coated in coagulated blood, and displaying between its glistening teeth a terrible snow-white cylindrical object, which it ended in a tiny hand.” H.P.L.
In the stories of H. P. Lovecraft, monstrous creatures or deformations are housed in natural and architectural landscapes. They are often very specific places, such as the forests of New England, Antarctica, or the interior of old houses with sloping roofs. The apparitions of the strange and the horror soon become inextricably entangled with the environment.
The already famous monsters of the Lovecraftian imaginary contain Cthulhu and the beings invoked by the Necronomicon, among others, displayed through a labyrinthine, enveloping narrative style, bordered by a dark romanticism at the height of Edgar Allan Poe.
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