Papa Francisco

Perspectivas y expectativas de un papado

Papa Francisco -  AA.VV. - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 296 g
Rustic with flaps

Pope Francisco. Perspectives and expectations of a papacy wants to show the reader an overview of the first year of church government of Pope Francisco. It is a collective and choral work created with the purpose of iden¬tificar and analyze changes in the Church, those already made and those that are ongoing, to give foundation and justification expectancies regarding the papacy Francisco and the future of the Church.

Up the book fourteen thematic areas addressed by authors of different nationalities, perspectives and disciplines, analyzing the measures taken by the pope in each of these areas. Themes addressed as the pastoral profile of the Church who dreams Pope Francisco, theological perspectives, a return to the roots of Christianity and the foundation of the Church, opening new horizons in moral issues and the role of women, his message for youth, and expectations that more


Category: All >> Religion >> Christianity

Book: Papa Francisco

ISBN: 9788425433948
Precio de lista: $800.00
Descuento: 30%