¿Para qué servimos los filósofos?

¿Para qué servimos los filósofos? - Carlos Fernández Liria - Catarata
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Soft cover

When asked what philosophy is for, Carlos Fernández Liria answers us with a paradox: for nothing and to govern. According to this book, the very thing about philosophy is that it serves nothing and yet precisely because Socrates and Plato was thought to serve to govern. Later, with the philosophy of the Enlightenment it was believed that this dream was about to come true, translating into a political model that, since the French Revolution, has been our most indispensable reference. The empire of reason is the attempt to bring the world to the height of truth, justice and beauty; three platonic ideas behind which lies a motto: "Freedom, Equality, Fraternity", with which a king was guillotined and the political spectrum of humanity was changed forever. Thus, after explaining how, now, we have returned to the Middle Ages, become servants of mad and tyrannical masters who call themselves...read more


Book: ¿Para qué servimos los filósofos?

ISBN: 9788490971512
Precio de lista: $665.00
Descuento: 25%