Telling the story of a teacher like Paul Watzlawick is not simple: it implies thinking about it; feel it become aware of his legacy, of the imprint he has left on the personal growth of his readers. The present work goes beyond the biography; It is a semblance of his life and his work. In it, more than accurate data of affiliation, an adventurous Watzlawick is shown: he arrived in a new city, became involved in the experience and continued in the search for horizons; the disciple Watzlawick, the colleague Watzlawick and the theoretical Watzlawick are shown.
The life of the principal author of The Theory of Human Communication was guided by the eagerness to find the way to the resolution of human problems, as well as the need to improve the quality of life and break the harmful vicious circles in which the human being is trapped and builds a life in the shadow of anguish and pai...read more