Paz para el ratoncito

Paz para el ratoncito - Théodore Monod - Olañeta
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Soft cover

In this series of small unpublished texts, the famous naturalist Théodore Monod, to its lively, funny and earnest manner, makes a plea for the animals and the wonders of nature, which sometimes can be very modest, but not least irreplaceable. The squirrel and mouse, urchins and crabs, bees and wasps, parrots, tree, small seeds ..., all animals, small or large, and sludge phenomena of nature, are object of affection and Monod respect, how well known. The drawings of the secondary author have chosen among illustrating their notebooks, scientific papers and correspondence and add charm to this text, which will appreciate both the younger and older sensitized for the preservation of nature.


Book: Paz para el ratoncito

ISBN: 9788497162043
Precio de lista: $300.00
Descuento: 25%