Pedagogía de la igualdad

Ensayos contra la educación excluyente

Pedagogía de la igualdad - Pablo Gentili - Siglo XXI Editores
Publisher name: 
Siglo XXI Editores
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

When it comes to education in Latin America, a scandalized attitude prevails regarding the situation of teachers and school infrastructure or the poor results in the annual performance tests. Whether you want it or not, this attitude attributes a redemptive mission to education: it assumes that the root of social ills lies in the educational crisis, and that reversing that crisis would lead to an equitable society. In the essays that make up this book, Pablo Gentili accumulates reasons to question that simplistic hope, with the conviction that education cannot change the world if other things do not change in the world: among them, the model of production and accumulation of wealth, conditions of access to the labor market, forms of exclusion linked to gender, ethnicity or social origin. Based on recent studies, Gentili analyzes to what extent the universal right to education is more


Book: Pedagogía de la igualdad

ISBN: 9789876291729
Precio de lista: $460.00
Descuento: 20%