Pensar la imagen

Pensar la imagen -  AA.VV. - Ediciones Metales pesados
Publisher name: 
Ediciones Metales pesados
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

Thinking the image is the first book in a series that collects essays by authors from different countries and traditions, dedicated to problematizing visuality in its various forms. Atoms, cells, galaxies, fossils, posters, memes, banknotes, mathematical formulas, chemical compounds and a long etcetera are studied (thought) today along with paintings, films, photographs, performances, sketches and a long etcetera. This phenomenon goes through "Thinking the image", a book that will surely become an unavoidable tool not only for those who care about the place of the image, but for anyone who is interested in contemporary culture. If the so-called visual (or iconic) turn is such, subsuming, not canceling, the linguistic turn, this is because it is not, in principle, related so much to the proliferation of images or to the spectacle society, but to the fact that the images themselves are more


Book: Pensar la imagen

ISBN: 9789566048220