Poder curativo de las emociones, el

Neurociencia afectiva, desarrollo y práctica clínica

Poder curativo de las emociones, el -  AA.VV. - Eleftheria
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Soft cover

Having been marginalized by doctors and scientists alike, emotions have come to the forefront of clinical and scientific care. Basic emotions are fundamental powers of the body and mind, which play a key role in both health and mental disorder. In The Healing Power of Emotions: Affective Neuroscience, Development and Clinical Practice, today's leading researchers and clinicians explore the role that emotions play in body regulation, diadic relationship, dissociation, trauma, transformation, marital communication, play, well-being, health... They contribute to this book: Jaak Panksepp, Stephen W. Porges, Colwyn Trevarthen, Ed Tronick, Allan N. Schore, Daniel J. Siegel, Diana Fosha, Pat Ogden, Marion F. Solomon, Susan Johnson and Dan Hughes.

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychotherapy

Book: Poder curativo de las emociones, el

ISBN: 9788494408441
Precio de lista: $890.00
Descuento: 25%