Poesía completa

Poesía completa - James Joyce - Editorial fontamara
Publisher name: 
Editorial fontamara
Year of publication: 

James Joyce's poetry undoubtedly occupies a secondary place in his work. However, like any work of literary genius, its importance cannot be set aside to understand and illuminate valuable aspects of its main creations. Chamber Music was published in March 1907. Joyce was embarrassed by these poems and it was only when an Irish musician proposed that he set some of the compositions to music that Joyce reconsidered his judgment of these poems. Giacomo Joyce, written around 1913, tells of Joyce's love affair with Amelia Popper, and many of the characters in this student of his were attributed to Molly Bloom in Ulysses. In 1927 Pomes Penyeach was published, a book of poems that from the title already reflects the puns with which he had been working and discounted in Finnegans Wake. In short, if this work as a whole cannot be valued poetically at the level of Joyce's prose creations, it s...read more

Category: All >> Literature >> Poetry

Book: Poesía completa

ISBN: 9789684767447
Precio de lista: $90.00
Descuento: 15%