Por qué interesan las noticias

Un estudio de los fundamentos del interés informativo

Por qué interesan las noticias - Juan Ramón Muñoz Torres - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 375 g

There are questions of pure simple and radical, are very difficult to answer. In the profession periodísitica, the paradigm of such questions are those relating to media interest, what interests the public? How much interest can raise this or that news? What is the "angle" more interesting to focus on the treatment of this event? These are important questions that media professionals are implicitly or explicitly, many times a day. Apart from the famous "nose journalism", the usual answer to these questions is almost always empirical market studies describe and quantify the particular interests, but do not account for the general reasons and profound media interest. This can only be done from a theoretical perspective, but only with empirical appoggiatura. This is precisely the challenge faced in this book provide a solid explanation of the fundamentals of media interest grounds. It is...read more


Book: Por qué interesan las noticias

ISBN: 8425422221
Precio de lista: $485.00
Descuento: 50%