Práctica de la estimulación conductiva según A. Petö 

Práctica de la estimulación conductiva según A. Petö  - Annette  Fink - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 230 g

Conductive stimulation is a therapeutic approach developed by pedagogical Hungarian Andras Peto, physician and educator, who worked on the front line with children suffering from cerebral motor dysfunction and multiple disabilities. This method is fully stimulate the children on the basis of their own activity and everyday environment, providing the connection between the actions taken by them and the meaning of those actions. This book provides practical answers family and doctors the following questions: How appropriate stimulation in conductive practice and on what basis is scientific support? Who leads the behavioral approach as a concept of action? What motivates parents to choose the system of stimulation for your child?


Book: Práctica de la estimulación conductiva según A. Petö 

ISBN: 8425420989
Precio de lista: $665.00
Descuento: 50%