Protocolos y programas elementales Tomo I

Protocolos asistenciales para adultos

Protocolos y programas elementales Tomo I - Jorge L. Tizón - Herder
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Weight: 565 g

How to handle the growing volume today of individuals who, in our societies, seek help for mental health problems and psychiatric? Can be treated with psychotropic drugs at 20 or 25 percent of the population? The authors of this volume for years maintained a negative answer to these questions. But then, if you think that not all consultants with mental health problems must be treated with psychotropic and psychoactive drugs only, how to give input to the psychological components in community practice of psychiatry today? How can the articulation of the biological, psychological and social in the current public consultation, often overwhelmed by the number of consultants, for their attendance, the type of problems posed by difficulties of their own equipment or institutions? This work attempts to provide some practical guidance to these dilemmas. Thus provides techniques, working more

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychiatry

Book: Protocolos y programas elementales Tomo I

ISBN: 8425420105
Precio de lista: $1,005.00
Descuento: 30%