Psicoanálisis, Simplemente

Psicoanálisis, Simplemente - Leopoldo Piazza - Escuela Freudiana de Buenos Aires
Year of publication: 

To introduce this book, "Psychoanalysis Simply", a few words. First of all, it should be clarified that this is not a manual or a reading guide.
It is an invitation to dialogue about an experience. Clinic Experience
developed for more than 3 decades, in the public and private spheres, both in extension and in intention. It is about an experience and the conceptualizations and reflections of it. If you are looking for certainties or categorical definitions, I suggest not opening the book, or even wasting time looking at it, much less buying it. If they accept the proposal to share a tour and dialogue, "welcome to the Train".

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychoanalysis

Book: Psicoanálisis, Simplemente

ISBN: 9789874070203