Psicoanálisis transgénero

Una perspectiva lacaniana sobre la diferencia sexual

Psicoanálisis transgénero - Patricia Gherovici - Ibero
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Soft cover

Drawing from her clinical work with gender variant patients, Gherovici argues for the depathologization of the transgender experience, while providing an original analysis of sexual difference. It is said that we are living in a “trans” moment, which reveals a new frontier for human rights. By dismantling our notions of gender, sex, and sexual identity, and by confronting essentialisms and prevailing normativity, these modalities of embodiment, Gherovici says, will help reorient psychoanalytic practice. What we find in this book is an argument about sexual identity and sexuality after articulating it with new ideas of the complex relationship between the body and the psyche, the precariousness of gender, the instability of the male-female opposition, the construction of identity, the uncertainties about sexual choice: that is, the book deals with the enigmas of sexual difference.

Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychoanalysis

Book: Psicoanálisis transgénero

ISBN: 9786079977931
Precio de lista: $400.00
Descuento: 10%