Públicos fantasma: el colectivo no reconocido en la transformación contemporánea de la circulación de ideas

La naturaleza política del libro: sobre libros de artista y acceso abierto radical; La red: transformando la cultura, transformando el universo editorial

Públicos fantasma: el colectivo no reconocido en la transformación contemporánea de la circulación de ideas -  AA.VV. - TEE
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 249.5 g

Digital networks have radically modified the circulation of content and the way relationships are established within and outside the publishing field. Currently we are all publishers and publishing has become a matter of resonance. The authority of the academy, the museum or the newspapers is transferred to a space of permanent negotiation with the fields of work, finance and the circulation of content in permanent translation exercises. Contingent publishing produces new systems of relationships in networks for the circulation of digital or printed content. These three essays think of the book as a political means that "can be used to question, intervene and disrupt existing practices and institutions and even offer radical and counter-institutional alternatives."


Book: Públicos fantasma: el colectivo no reconocido en la transformación contemporánea de la circulación de ideas

ISBN: 9786079651930
Precio de lista: $135.00
Descuento: 15%