¿Qué es la corrupción?

¿Qué es la corrupción? - Leslie Holmes - Grano de sal
Publisher name: 
Grano de sal
Year of publication: 

The newsreels report on it every day, every politician in the campaign promises to eradicate it, the ordinary citizens suffer it -or use it to save the penalty of complying with the law-, many public officials consider it a consubstantial element in their charge : Corruption is a serious and widespread social disease. In this very brief introduction, Leslie Holmes contrasts the various definitions used to define a phenomenon that erodes public confidence, hinders the functioning of the economy, undermines the environment, undermines the security of people, allowing the proliferation of organized crime. And adventure psychosocial and cultural explanations to understand the rise of corruption in its many forms: bribes, exchange of favors, white collar crime, deterioration of institutions. The reader will find here conceptual tools to understand this harmful practice, to measure it and t...read more

Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Política

Book: ¿Qué es la corrupción?

ISBN: 9786079836924
Precio de lista: $210.00
Descuento: 10%