¿Qué es la dignidad humana?

Ensayo sobre Peter Singer, Hugo Tristam Engelhart y John Harris

¿Qué es la dignidad humana? - Francesc Torralba Roselló - Herder
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Weight: 530 g

Does the word dignity has become an empty word? What meanings houses this expression? Why is reiterated in the great universal declarations, in democratic constitutions and codes of ethics? What does living with dignity? What does it mean to die with dignity? The focus of this book is to explore the concept of human dignity, both from a conceptual point of view as historical and ethical proposals address three contemporary thinkers, Peter Singer, Hugo Tristram Engelhardt and John Harris, who discuss the theory of sublime dignity of the human person. The idea that the person occupies the sublime and the creation of a intrísica posedora dignity has become a disturbing object of thought in contemporary philosophy. Throughout the essay, the author tries to respond critically to their objections and, finally, proposes a renewed concept of person.


Book: ¿Qué es la dignidad humana?

ISBN: 8425424070
Precio de lista: $1,085.00
Descuento: 30%