Qué es ser hombre

Valores cívicos y valores conflictivos en la Galicia profunda

Qué es ser hombre - Carmelo Lisón Tolosana - Akal
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We live in a world dominated by the scientific canon that provides us with previously unknown certainties, but we also live in a certain moral perplexity and with ethical dilemmas that are not easy to resolve. Each human group shares, in principle and with internal variations, a set of values, morals and a traditional way of life. The ethnographic presentation narrative about what they appreciate, what they despise and how they verbalize it takes us to the structure of community evaluative thinking; Relationships of cooperation, dependence and evaluation of others as bearers of intention and meaning lead us to the transcendence of intersubjectivity, while weakness in cultural conformity and disdain for tradition undermine collective identity. In this new anthropological study by Carmelo Lisón Tolosana the eighth on Galicia, norm, value, obligation and law appear presented ethnographic...read more


Book: Qué es ser hombre

ISBN: 9788446030713
Precio de lista: $550.00
Descuento: 15%