Reencantar el mundo

El feminismo y la política de los comunes

Reencantar el mundo - Silvia Federici - Traficantes de sueños
Publisher name: 
Traficantes de sueños
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 470 g
Soft cover

ommon, commons, commons, communal... the denominations vary, but all of them point to forms of property, use and exploitation of resources, life and the planet that do not go through merchandise or the State. In this book, Silvia Federici explores the notion of the common. She directs our gaze towards the great expropriation, still in progress, which supposes the endless imposition of capitalism. The commons, the forms of community organization of human ecosystems, have existed since the first societies were formed. And the commons have been the priority object of successive rounds of robbery and capitalist enclosure, which still persist today on the land, the body, life and knowledge, especially when these matters are said in the feminine.

Federici points, in this way, to a possible future of emancipation, of non-patriarchal and non-capitalist organization of social more


Book: Reencantar el mundo

ISBN: 9788412125993