Reflexiones del mundo contemporáneo en el andar de un viajero platónico

Reflexiones del mundo contemporáneo en el andar de un viajero platónico - Omar Pérez J. - Itaca
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 300 g
Soft cover

This work comes to satisfy a current need among philosophical publications, that of a fresh philosophy that responds to this very complex world of the 21st century, immersed almost in an irrational competition of a material nature that suffocates us and that requires a humanistic and much more cordial air. . The book is divided into eight chapters, each of which is actually a complete and interesting philosophical essay: “The landscape as the origin of philosophical dialogue”, “When we think, are we thinking?”, “Philosophical thought”, “Compassion is hope”, “Critical theory”, “The philosopher and the intellectual”, “What cannot be spoken about must be kept silent” and “Are appearances deceiving?”


Book: Reflexiones del mundo contemporáneo en el andar de un viajero platónico

ISBN: 9786078651979