The Reflections on the process of the Queen, written by Germaine Necker, better known as Madame de Staël, is an originally anonymous piece that, although by its extension, style and rhetoric we can consider it as a pamphlet, nevertheless has a great significance, because of the dramatic nature of the circumstances that originate it (the process of Marie Antoinette) and the personality of the author, whose role in French life in the revolutionary period does not free her from the wrath of the radicals, and even leads her to exile in Switzerland. But the text, more than a political proclamation, is a plea against the use of slander as an element to mobilize public opinion as well as a denunciation of the misogyny that was hidden behind the accusations leveled against the sovereign. In this way, despite not identifying with the realists or belonging to their circle, Madame de Staël will ...read more