Religión e imaginario social

Religión e imaginario social -  AA.VV. - Manantial
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Religion and imaginary social analyzes how Christians perceived and faced some of the political and social processes in the country's history of the last century. For example, describe a fact that seems trivial as the shooting that occurred on September 6, 1930 against the Colegio del Salvador: foreshadowing a skirmish battles between liberal Argentina Argentina crisis and emerging Catholic. Or the concordat signed in 1933 the Third Reich and the Holy See: the Young Christian Workers (YCW), topic has not yet been studied by any historian or argumentative strategies of Argentine comprehensive Catholicism in the 1930s also arises Hitler regime and World War II in the official press of Argentina Lutheran Church and the look of the Waldensian the process of societal crisis between the end of 1930-liberal positivist paradigm and the establishment of Peronism. The origins of this movement more


Book: Religión e imaginario social

ISBN: 9789875000612
Precio de lista: $620.00
Descuento: 20%