The poet Rainer Maria Rilke had, for many years, a dislike of music. He had it because he saw in the music a seduction that could take him away from his true task, the poetic task. And he also had it because he considered music and poetry to be incompatible: poetry has its own music, and no melody ought to be superimposed on it - that is why it strongly forbade the use of music in its verses. However, in the last years of his life he had several experiences that brought him closer to music: the reading of Fabre d'Olivet, harpsichord of Wanda Landowska, friendship with the composer Ferruccio Busoni - whose musical theories understood and shared - The amorous friendship with the pianist Magda von Hattingberg, the violin of Alma Moodie ... And in that last stage wrote very beautiful poems in which the music is present.