Brief flashing texts of Zen masters who introduce us to the world of the deep spirituality that has so influenced the formation of the Japanese soul, as well as numerous manifestations of contemporary culture.
Zen is a wisdom branch of Mahayana Buddhism and traditional origin lies in the famous speech of the Buddha on Vulture Peak: without saying a word, the Enlightened One merely show a flower, to the dismay of his followers. Only Kasyapa, with his smile, proved to have understood the message of the Buddha, transmitted and the Treasury of the True Law. In the s. V D.C., the last Indian patriarch, Bodhidharma traveled to China and founded the Ch'an (Chinese pronunciation of dhyana, contemplation), which will zen in Japanese. In the S. XII, two Japanese monks, Eisai and Dogen Zenji, after studying Ch'an in China, led the Zen to Japan, where it flourished, especially in the more