
Sade -  Anónimo - Editorial fontamara
Publisher name: 
Editorial fontamara
Year of publication: 

This book is made up of the hundred engravings (reproduced at twice their original size) that served in 1797 to illustrate the original edition of La Nouvelle Justine, ous les Malheurs de la vertu suivie de I' Historie de Juliette, sa soeur, ou les Prospérités du vice, published in Holland in ten volumes.

These engravings – created if not by a great artist then by an excellent professional – are milestones in history, valuable period documents. The pornography, if any, would be found in the text that gave rise to them. And Sade, of course, is much more than porn. Because the merit of Sade lies in having shouted what each shamefully confesses.

Due to the topicality of the "Divine Marquis", the work is accompanied by a prologue, as well as a chronological biography of him, to better understand this work, and precisely now that we have free access to Sade's work, it is more


Book: Sade

ISBN: 9789684767522
Precio de lista: $125.00
Descuento: 15%