Santos y daimones

El politeísmo afrobrasileño y la tradición arquetipal

Santos y daimones - Rita Segato - Prometeo
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

The knowledge of the Xango Cult of Recife that serves as the basis for what is investigated throughout the pages of Santos y Daimones. Afro-Brazilian polytheism and the archetypal tradition are the result of classical ethnographic research among the members of the cult. However, to build the dialogue that the author defines as "reciprocal exegesis", the field of the work opens up and travels through a wide spectrum of disciplines. And, for that reason, it is a work whose reading attracts a wide variety of readers. Anthropology, religion and society, mythology, philosophy, psychology, African American studies and gender are part of her journey. This book, which investigates the mythological and psychological field, and its immersion in archetypal thought, has led Rita Segato, its author, to be invited to participate (in August 2001) in the prestigious meeting of the Círculo de Eramos, more


Book: Santos y daimones

ISBN: 9789878331478
Precio de lista: $547.00
Descuento: 15%