Senderos de la filosofía de María Zambrano

O cómo se hace filosofía al andar

Senderos de la filosofía de María Zambrano - Greta Rivara Kamaji - Itaca
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 250 g
Soft cover

María Zambrano's thought is one of the most important in the Spanish language of the 20th century; It is alive and that can be seen in the assiduity with which it is discussed, brought up, mentioned. Its vitality comes from its erudition and clarity, the depth and richness with which it explores the philosophical tradition that preceded it, and the originality of its conceptualization. Zambrano seeks to renew, without destroying, philosophical thought. Her ability to envision possibilities not yet exposed is one of the most significant notes of her thinking.

In this volume, Greta Rivara Kamaji, a renowned scholar of the Spanish philosopher's thought, explores, always privileging an ontological approach, fundamental themes of Zambranian thought such as the sacred, poetic reason and the link between art and philosophy. This is a pertinent introduction to María Zambrano's thought, more


Book: Senderos de la filosofía de María Zambrano

ISBN: 9786079792282