Si las mujeres mandasen

Relatos de la primera ola feminista

Si las mujeres mandasen -  AA.VV. - Siruela
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Year of publication: 
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Weight: 780.2 g

A journey through some of the texts that contributed to laying the foundations for the defense of the dignity, intelligence and human potential of women during the first feminist wave.

How were women going to rule, if they were considered minors and needed a man to supervise them? How could they take on such responsibility, if there were those who thought that their intellectual capacity was so evidently inferior that neither the public nor the private treasury could be wasted in educating them? Until the second half of the 18th century, women who practiced freely as writers were no more than isolated examples. But by the end of that century, the Enlightenment had raised the banners of liberty and equality, and had convinced women that their time had come, and, although the great ideologues of the nascent liberal democracies were soon to abandon them, they can be considered as more


Book: Si las mujeres mandasen

ISBN: 9788417996703
Precio de lista: $945.00
Descuento: 25%