Sin velo

Cómo el progresismo legitima al Islam radical

Sin velo - Yasmine Mohammed - Libros del zorzal
Publisher name: 
Libros del zorzal
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

Women and freethinkers in traditional Muslim communities inherit a double burden. If they want to live in the modern world, they must confront not only the theocrats who dwell in their homes and schools, but also many secular progressives, whose apathy, sanctimony, and hallucinations of “racism” cast a further veil on their suffering. In Unveiled, Yasmine Mohammed responds to that challenge with unprecedented courage, refuting the dangerous notion that criticizing the doctrine of Islam is a form of fanaticism. May your wisdom and courage inspire us.
SAM HARRIS, author of The End of Faith
Yasmine Mohammed is a very brave woman and a shining example for all women who have suffered abuse, whether under the cover of religion or culture. Yasmine's story – which this book tells – is tragic and at the same time persuasive. She endured something no human being should endure. Her more

Category: All >> History >> Arab world

Book: Sin velo

ISBN: 9788419196842
Precio de lista: $425.00
Descuento: 10%