Sistemas políticos de América Latina, vol. I

Sistemas políticos de América Latina, vol. I - Manuel Alcántara Sáez - Tecnos
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Soft cover

Latin American politics has consolidated some of the trends that were already present a decade ago. The establishment of the polyarchic institutionality has continued, processing the political conflict through elections or institutional arrangements that have been able to channel the very severe crises faced. The elections have continued to be the guide of political life, despite a certain social distrust in its development, and are the instrument through which political action has been articulated. Meanwhile, the partisan universe has continued to suffer profound mutations regarding its ideological ties, in the volatility of electoral offers and in its drastic deinstitutionalization in half of the countries considered in this volume. Little by little, two models of politics have been shaped that, to a large extent, are aligned with the traditional left-right continuum and, in turn, more

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Book: Sistemas políticos de América Latina, vol. I

ISBN: 9788430958924