Sobre Dios

Sobre Dios - Jiddu Krishnamurti - Kairós
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Book size:
Soft cover

It has been said that to read Krishnamurti is to confront oneself in an astonishing morning freshness. The selection of reflections gathered in this book confirms this assessment. The author considers our search for the sacred as trying to reach its essential purity.

“Sometimes we think of life as mechanical, and sometimes, when there is pain and confusion, we turn to faith, we turn to a supreme being for help and guidance.” Krishnamurti explores the futility of seeking knowledge of the “unknowable” and shows that only when we have stopped seeking with our intellects can we be “radically free” to experience reality, truth and bliss. He presents “the religious mind” as one that directly perceives the sacred, as opposed to one that adheres to religious dogma.


Category: All >> Religion >> Oriental

Book: Sobre Dios

ISBN: 9788472453180
Precio de lista: $340.00
Descuento: 15%