Sobre el lenguaje y las palabras

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Sobre el lenguaje y las palabras - Arthur  Schopenhauer - Olañeta
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Schopenhauer raises deep and complex relationship between language and thought and makes suggestive reflections of every writer and every reader can get useful ideas.

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), the great philosopher of pessimism, one of the thinkers who have influenced literature, music and art of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, much admired by Wagner and Nietzsche, among others, exposed in the two essays collected in this volume a number of considerations about the language, languages ​​and writing that provide interesting food for thought for all directly or indirectly involved people in the literary work and the study of language and languages . Schopenhauer emphasizes the close relationship between language and thought, language function in the construction and refinement of thought, and the need to have their own thinking that results in clarity and more


Book: Sobre el lenguaje y las palabras

ISBN: 9788497168359
Precio de lista: $320.00
Descuento: 25%