Sobre izquierda alternativa y cristianismo emancipador

Sobre izquierda alternativa y cristianismo emancipador - Francisco Fernández Buey - Trotta
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Weight: 530 g

This work brings together texts by Francisco Fernández Buey, an atheist thinker, on the relationship between the alternative left and emancipatory Christianity. Following in the wake of Ernst Bloch, the author reflects on the red thread of this specific type of Christianity and its role in the elaboration of critical thinking and the construction of a red, green and violet left. He thus exposes a new vision that goes beyond the thought of Marx and Freud and constitutes a matrix of movements and social struggles in the global South and in Europe.
These essays also offer a reading of the life and work of Bartolomé de Las Casas, Simone Weil and José María Valverde, analyzed in detail as an exponent of the links between liberating religiosity and commitment to suffering humanity. In addition, through various and extensive interviews, the conception of Francisco Fernández Buey on more

Category: All >> Religion >> Christianity

Book: Sobre izquierda alternativa y cristianismo emancipador

ISBN: 9788498798456
Precio de lista: $1,135.00
Descuento: 25%