Sociedades invisibles

La cultura de la ingobernabilidad en América Latina

Sociedades invisibles - Francisco Delich - Gedisa
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We have much government and some state, says the author, in one of his thesis.
These governments appropriate the legality and begin to compromise their legitimacy. Worse, they face electoral democracy with institutional republic. There they begin to take shape dilemmas in the region.

Continued reflection opened in its Rethinking Latin America (Gedisa 2004), where he had established the conditions and effects of the depletion model import substitution industrialization (M / ISI), predominantly during the twentieth century in Latin America. As after the Industrial Revolution and the division of labor result, the region established its own particularities and profiles in social organization and, above all, in its ideological and academic treatment.

The analytical core is organized around the relational theory of the state, with four strategic dimensions: State, more

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Book: Sociedades invisibles

ISBN: 9789509113749
Precio de lista: $360.00
Descuento: 20%