¿Soy yo normal?

Filias y parafilias sexuales

¿Soy yo normal? - Luisgé Martín - Anagrama
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

A reflection on sexualities that transgress the normative. An exploration of perversion or alternative sexuality.

Am I normal? the author asks. What is normality in the practice of sexuality? Is what is out of the norm a paraphilia, a perversion, a depravity, or an alternative, non-normative sexual behavior? Are we talking about transgression, breaking taboos, going beyond moral codes, or perhaps even legal ones? This book explores, based on the author's reflections, experiences and field research, sadomasochism, fetishism, exhibitionism, voyeurism, bondage, spanking, kinky sex, rape fantasy, incest, pedophilia, pedophilia, zoophilia, bugchasing, necrophilia... Where are the limits? What this essay suggests is that it is necessary to refound the idea of erotic perversion from another perspective, without moralism or pathologization.

«Luisgé Martín makes love, sexual desir...read more


Book: ¿Soy yo normal?

ISBN: 9788433916594
Precio de lista: $225.00
Descuento: 10%