Speculum al joder

Tratado de recetas y consejos sobre el coito

Speculum al joder -  AA.VV. - Olañeta
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Eroticism and sexuality through the tips and recipes from a medical-erotic codex of the Middle Ages.

Speculum reader to fuck has in his hands a curious and surprising at the same time book. While it is a treaty medical-erotic themes, this work of the late fourteenth century or early fifteenth was presented as a simple medical book went virtually unnoticed. While the Eastern world, possessor of a sensual culture, was a prolific book of erotic themes, the Christian tradition considered sinful pleasures of this world. For this reason we think that the translator Speculum to fuck carried out a real daring. Thus, the reader will know, through these pages, from therapeutic and hygienic advice to different positions for sexual intercourse, through explanations about the amorous behavior of women, issues that may be of interest both from an erotic point of view as doctor and even pharmacist.

Category: All >> Psychology >> Sexuality

Book: Speculum al joder

ISBN: 9788476518953
Precio de lista: $245.00
Descuento: 25%