Spinoza por las bestias

Spinoza por las bestias -  AA.VV. - Cactus
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In Spinoza by beasts philosopher Ariel Suhamy and artist Alia Daval intend to make a complete introduction to the thought of the Dutch philosopher through his themes and concepts and integrating all their work, but through a beautiful strategy: following images animals, bugs and beasts that evokes Spinoza profusely in all his writings. enjoyable and educational, surely, but teaching strategy in a strictly Spinozist sense: the search for truth and freedom not pose rid of imagination, which is otherwise impossible, but turn it into an ally power of understanding. From there the beautiful drawings of Daval, which enhance the images of the texts Spinozists taking them to paroxysm, accepting impossible challenges, or strengthen its tragic or humorous content. We begin with God and the power of weaving spider, pass the worm that lives in the blood like us in the universe, the natural right ...read more



Book: Spinoza por las bestias

ISBN: 9789873831096
Precio de lista: $270.00
Descuento: 20%