Studio d A1 - DVD

Ein Film für alle, die Deutsch lernen

Studio d A1 - DVD -  AA.VV. - Cornelsen
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 140 g

DVD of the course studio d level A1

Videos are an excellent medium for language learning. Image and sound work together to create a rich learning environment and provide study material.
The studio D videos are intertwined with the themes of the books and put context with the language activities. The presentation of videos A1 and A2 follows student Katya and her friends. The B1 video is a kind of modern news magazine.
Each video is accompanied by a small exercise section

Category: All >> Languages >> German

Book: Studio d A1 - DVD

ISBN: 3464208311
Precio de lista: $535.00
Descuento: 10%