Te han quitado la promesa de ser viento

Imaginarios del ser, de la ciudad y del tiempo en Rockdrigo

Te han quitado la promesa de ser viento -  AA.VV. - Navarra
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This book analyzes the musical production of Rockdrigo González from the perspective of anthropology and rhetoric. It is an interpretation that aims to broaden the reading horizons of the poetics of the so-called Prophet of the Nopal, leader of the Rupestre movement. For the above reason, it is also a way of recognizing his artistic work, and that of his friends and colleagues, and his contributions to the configuration of a chilango imaginary. The title of the book, Te han quitado la promesa de ser viento (They have taken away your promise to be wind) is, in this sense, an emblem that expresses the vocation of those Rupestres who still wander around Mexico City today.

Category: All >> Music >> Essay and criticism

Book: Te han quitado la promesa de ser viento

ISBN: 9786078132003