Teatro, personaje y discurso en el Siglo de Oro

Teatro, personaje y discurso en el Siglo de Oro -  AA.VV. - Ibero
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Soft cover

The golden theatrical discourse is one of great richness. In addition to the complexity of any work composed to be performed on a stage space, with the means and resources typical of the time of its creation, and according to theatrical conventions and cultural conceptions of a specific period, in the aurisecular theater work it is necessary to consider the importance given to the theatrical spectacle, visually as well as soundly and sensorially in general, and which resulted in a performance that constituted a true banquet for the senses. To this we must add the rhetorical, poetic, and formal complexity in the speeches of the characters, a complexity that is born from an aesthetic intention and a compositional conception typical of the period, and that has significant implications in the dramatic, as well as repercussions in the production. esthetic. The study of the theatrical work ...read more


Book: Teatro, personaje y discurso en el Siglo de Oro

ISBN: 9786074176650
Precio de lista: $280.00
Descuento: 15%